Vaccine Passports are Relics of Our Colonialist Past

4 min readJul 29, 2021

On Sunday the 25th of July, the French parliament reached an agreement on requiring vaccination “passports” or proof of a negative test in order to visit certain confined spaces in the country. I would say I was resigned to accepting it, but I’m obviously writing this so “resigned” is definitely the wrong choice of words.

The choice faced by the French government is easy: incentivize good behavior so the free riders don’t drag the rest of us down.

Now, while a vaccination passport is an incredibly simple mechanism through which to avoid another lockdown, it sent a shiver down my spine all the way over here in Texas.

For a while now, we’ve been hearing about the COVID-19 vaccinations passports being a used by governments across the globe to ensure the free & safe movement of its citizenry as the world moves on from the acuteness of the pandemic.

At its first mention in a discussion of public of health, I immediately thought it was a good idea. That was, until I realized: “Oh… Right, we’re all colonizing racists…. Nevermind.”

I feel the vaccination passport is wrong for numerous reasons, but the mainest framework through which I disagree is **chef’s kiss** ever so idealistically me since I am myself vaccinated.

The Other Things…




I do things. Huge nerd otherwise. Interested in all types of media & creative-ish forms of expressions. Rawr!!